Rustic fisherman’s house in the village of Buzios

High on a hill, away from the hype, is this small house in the picturesque fishing village of Buzios, Brazil. The owner, businessman Santiago Bebianno sought out a space that was on high ground, isolated, but close to the village, with the constant breeze and beautiful scenery surrounding. Divided into modules, the construction of the 1,614 square foot (150 square meters) house was carried out by architecture studio Das Canoas. Building was done gradually, respecting the budget and because the client was in no hurry.

When Santiago first moved in, he just had his bedroom and bathroom, the rest of the house was a concrete slab with no electricity. He lived by candlelight for four months, waiting for the installation of cables. The work took place over the course of a year, with labor and local raw materials. Santiago wished for a simple style, a rustic finish and simulating a fisherman’s house. The goal to create relaxing spaces that are open and airy and that everything was easy to use and maintain. Via

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