Unbelievable dream house of an art collector

Vast art collector Howard Rachofsky contracted his home to be built by the renowned architect Richard Meier, in Dallas, Texas. This 11,000 square foot, three-storey, one bedroom bachelor pad/art gallery has been designed as a clean geometric volume to be integrated perfectly into the environment. Mr. Rachofsky no longer lives in the home since getting married and having a family, yet has allowed it to be open to the public to tour through the spacious residence and admire the beautiful artwork that adorns the spaces.

The fully glazed house is centrally located on 3.2 acres of land, enabling for a grand approach up the driveway to the elevated podium on which the house rests, in addition to a rich backyard containing a pool, private garden and various site-specific sculptures to discover beyond. The extraordinary art collection of Mr. Rachofsky has upwards of 700 pieces of contemporary art displayed at any given time. The pieces start with American modernism of the 1930’s, kept in a constant visual dialogue with the architecture of the house.

“The front and back entries are on axis with interior/exterior circulation, while the different stair sets are on axis with vertical, interior circulation. Furthermore, the column rows divide the house functions and delineate between more public circulation and private spaces. The southern end of the home utilizes a private spiral stair case that allows direct access to the master suite. Along with the bedroom and enormous his-and-hers master bathroom, the third floor also hosts a gym, two balconies, and an office that “floats” above the living room like a box within a box.” The art gallery, garage, kitchen and the dining room are situated downstairs. The latter has a retractable screen of translucent glass, which when the occasion requires it and allows you to use it also for receptions. The first floor hosts a double height living area and the library.

Visit the website of the Rachofsky House here.

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