DIY moss covered chair for your garden

It is whimsical eye candy for your garden or outdoor living space, but maybe not practical lounge seating. Young and hip Los Angeles designer, Kyle Schuneman of Live Well Designs, created this super cool moss chair and kindly offered up the directions for the rest of us to re-create. Schuneman, who has been featured on HGTV and The Style Network, has also left his creative mark with companies such as Microsoft, Lipton and Target. Via

Use these steps to make this chair for your own home, patio, or garden:

1. Find a side chair that has a nice solid seat, something with a great shape and with a vintage flair will really take this chair to the next level. You will need to wet newspaper strips as well. Once you clean the chair cover it in moist newspaper strips.

2. Once the chair is covered in newspaper you will then put a little spray adhesive down and a thin layer of chicken wire so that the moss has something to grab on to.

3. Section by section, spray a bit of adhesive on the back of each piece of moss and push it onto the damp newspaper/wire. The bigger the piece the moss the better, so it does not look pieced together. Instead, it will feel like it has grown from the earth.

4. Once the entire chair is covered in moss, make sure to water it regularly in order to keep it healthy and growing. You can use a spray bottle or a hose with a spray attachment in order to keep it damp. The newspaper acts as something for the water to soak in, keeping the moss healthy. Use this moss chair as a great sculptural piece in a sunroom, a plant stand outside, or even a functional chair that is also a conversation piece.

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Moss Chair-08-1 Kindesign

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Lyn Gierke
6 years ago

I would like to cover an old bike with moss. Not sure about the wet newspaper . How would it stay on the bike?

Karen Bogad Dolan
9 years ago

How does the spray adhesive work if the newspaper is wet?

12 years ago

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13 years ago

Wow very informative and inspiring!!