Charming rustic dwelling on Saaremaa Island

This over 100-year old house on the Estonian island of Saaremaa was purchased by Finnish designer, Ristomatti Ratia. Abandoned for years, the charming place is surrounded by fruit trees. Locals thought the home would be better torn down and a new house built in its place, but Ristomatti saw something in it that challenged him to preserve the historic dwelling. Some of the materials used in the restoration of the old home were scraps gathered from the surrounding landscape. Stone was collected from the nearby river and laid on the floors, the ceiling in the kitchen has sprigs of chestnut tree and the walls are decorated with Juniper. The beautiful home was transformed into an extraordinary atmosphere, full of nature and charm. Via

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2 years ago

What a stunning and one-of-a-kind home! The article is very well written and the photographs are also of high quality. Would love to see the place myself someday. Glad to have found this site!