Park Street Residence was designed by the studio of Hecker Guthrie in Melbourne, Australia. What began as an exercise in loose furniture quickly grew into a kitchen, bathroom and joinery overhaul as the potential of this inner-city townhouse became increasingly realized by both the owners and designers. Definition and texture were key elements introduced into the dwelling, clearly identifying gathering spaces. The kitchen and fireplace elements create focal points, while a coveted selection of loose furniture layered with objects and art has turned this house into a home.
“The house was originally planned to be two townhouses side by side, and in a struggling real estate market our entrepreneur and his wife swooped in and had the two apartments converted to one mid-way through the build. As with many developments, they are designed to sell, and rarely do they reflect the personalities of their future inhabitants.”
The kitchen was under scaled and had no connection to the surrounding living areas. Conversely, the living spaces were vast and had no real sense of purpose.
The kitchen increased in both scale and serviceability and the materials chosen had a whole lot more grunt then what was there previously.
A single rug connected the spaces followed by a Cassina shelf that divided them– allowing the client to showcase a new selection of objects.
Inserting a wall of joinery on the south wall which accommodated a fireplace, bar unit and study nook – this connected the two living spaces and gave a real sense of rigor to the space.
The powder room went from being an eyesore to a space the client was no longer embarrassed to allow guests to visit.
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