Converted 18th century Cotswolds Village barn

Barn Conversion-01-1 Kind Design

Despite his lack of building experience or skills, owner Mark Collins converted a huge stone barn in the country into a warm and welcoming show-stopping home. Believed to date back to the early 18th century, this stone barn in England’s Cotswolds has been converted into a five-bedroom home with contemporary interiors, its own art gallery, gym, sauna and glass-encased spiral staircase. The whole scheme was dreamt up by Mark, who, without any design experience, worked with local builders and craftsmen. The barn is 50 meters long, comprised of 8,072 square feet (750 square meters) of living space and an additional 2,691 square feet (250 square meters) in the basement level.

The barn was purchased back in 2004 and had planning permission to split the building into two uses, one part residential and the other for commercial purposes (for office space). Mark, who is the director of a telecommunications company, saw the potential to turn this barn into a fabulous, large home combined with the character of its agricultural history and striking features and contemporary interiors. Taking five years to complete, 80 per cent of the building was taken away, the existing structure was underpinned and the whole roof was rebuilt, introducing a new oak structure supported by steel. Throughout the barn, Mark used a limited palette and natural materials of stone, oak, glass and steel.

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The interiors were designed very open and functional, without subdividing it into a lot of rooms.

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The ground floor includes two bedrooms, a day room, kitchen and dining room. There is an entertainment suite, studio, library and art gallery on the lower ground floor. The master bedroom, two further bedrooms and an office are on the first floor.

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Photos: Smiths Gore

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12 years ago

It may seem a bit stern and cold, but that may be the result of sparse decor and wide angle lenses that are often used when photographing interiors. Adding green plants and curving furniture would make it less stern, but they would block some architectural details. Seen in person the space would feel smaller and therefor more cozy.

12 years ago

have to be a very stern,cold person to live like that………..no thanks

12 years ago

Goodness, that looks vast and bewildering.