Situated on Fire Island, New York, Fire Island House has undergone a spectacular transformation by Andrew Franz Architect, introducing several enticing updates, including a new guest house and a refreshing swimming pool.
The project team worked together to renovate the house as part of a master plan that included a new guest house, pool, exterior stair, new decking, and circulation paths, and relocated entry pavilion.
The guest house addition references the original structure in geometry, cedar siding, and jalousie windows, yet without mimicking the original architect’s details.
The original house’s exterior underwent a complete restoration, featuring new cedar sheathing, copper flashing, and roofing.
Internally, all wood surfaces, jalousie windows, and a new HVAC system were restored and seamlessly integrated.
Thoughtful adjustments were made to enhance circulation and functionality, including the expansion of bathrooms, the restoration of the kitchen, and the preservation of a vintage fireplace.
To maintain the wild character of the compact property, efforts were made to clear out scrub and reintroduce native plants, grasses, and pines, promoting the flourishing of local flora, fauna, and pollinators.